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Thankfulness in the Midst of the Storms


Cashel Macrory

Praising the Lord and maintaining a thankful heart during life’s uncertainties—pain, grief, sickness, and unexpected hurdles—can be a tremendous challenge.

How do we remain thankful when everything feels so heavy and it's hard to see anything to be grateful for?

Over the past two years, my family has faced many trials and burdens. Only now am I starting to catch glimmers of thankfulness in the natural. Deep in my heart, I always "know" that God is good, and I’m thankful for His sovereign hand and plan over my life. Yet, in the day-to-day reality, holding onto thankfulness can feel so much harder.

We often hear the saying, "Take one day at a time," or the verse, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself" (Matthew 6:34).

Lately, I’m holding onto that truth more tightly than ever. It’s one of those pieces of wisdom that you’ve known for years, but suddenly, it truly resonates.

Life really is about taking things day by day, moment by moment, and finding even the smallest glimmer of hope in the midst of trials.

Today, as I sit through a three-hour medical test for my 16-year-old the day before Thanksgiving, I find myself thankful. Thankful for jobs that are portable and flexible, and for amazing bosses. Thankful for technology and modern medicine that can ease my daughter’s pain while we wait for her full healing. Thankful for her courage and positive attitude despite the many health appointments.

My challenge for all of us is this: to look for that glimmer of hope, joy, peace, or thankfulness even in the middle of struggles, busyness, or pain. Hold fast to His promises—those truths we know deep down. He is sovereign and works all things together for good in the end for those who believe (Romans 8:28).

"If it’s not good, then He’s not done."

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